Michaela Vallance

I would really like to say how grateful I am to all the staff and management at radmoor nursery.

My son has suspected additional needs and they have been so welcoming to him the last 18 months. Even when he’s not having the best of days they make sure he is safe and happy. They have helped me with getting the right support for him this come from his SENDco Katy fairgrieve and hopefully that support will continue with him going to his Primary school in August. I really cannot fault the facilities and the staff that are in the unit and IF I was to have another child I would enrol them straight away. I also love the fact I can bring him to the half term clubs if needed which I probably will do. He feels safe and enjoys all the activities and fun they supply even much so if I take him on holiday he is asking for ‘school’.

Thankyou very much all of the staff that support Albie daily and the management who provide the wonderful service.