Jenny Tarleton

My child is 4 years old and is in pre-school blue group and has attended Radmoor Nursery since he was 11 months old, 3 days per week. My son thoroughly enjoys his time at the nursery and has thrived in all areas of development, which I believe is due to the excellent staff who have cared for him and managed the nursery. Each staff member that Daniel has been cared for by shows a genuine interest in my child and has his best interests at heart. They show an interest in the activities he does at home and his family life. We always receive a warm welcome in the mornings from staff in the office and in the room and I get useful and informative feedback about his day, both verbally and via the Famly app. On a daily basis I receive text and photographs of the activities and learning that has taken place, which provides comfort for parents that their child is happy, which Daniel always is. This also provides information of what my child has been learning at nursery and what activities they are participating in. I also receive regular assessments from Daniel’s key person on the Learning Journey section of the app regarding Daniel’s progress. The assessments provide a general overview of his progress, special interests, relationships with staff and peers and also assessments of areas of development including communication and language, physical development, literacy, personal and social development, maths, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. I am informed of the progress being made in each of these areas and also where more support is needed, so that I can also support this at home. I also see what areas are being focused on at nursery, for example this term one of the next steps is the transition to school and I know that my child needs support with personal, social and emotional development and maths. I am also able to make parent observations and work collaboratively with the staff. This feedback is extremely useful as I can see what my child is learning and speak with him about it, for example counting, rhyming words and opposites are some of the areas I have spoken with Daniel about and encouraged him with as I know he has been doing these activities at nursery.

There are always a wide variety of activities available and children are able to select preferred activities to meet their individual needs. They are given choices and able to make decisions, for example by voting on books to read as a group. Daniel has really enjoyed the PE and dance sessions that children have taken part in recently. Daniel has an great rapport with the key staff and this is due to their caring, considerate, approachable and professional nature. He also has positive relationships with his peers and regularly talks about his friends. The behaviour of children, that I observe at drop off and collection, is excellent and the nursery adopt values that are important life-long skills, such as sharing, respect and positive relationships.

I have three children, all of whom have attended Radmoor Nursery and have been provided with the best start possible in their education. I really could not have wished for better people to be caring for my children.