Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to you about Coronavirus and the measures we are taking to keep all children safe. We continue to monitor the situation regularly and follow the advice of Public Health England (PHE). We are encouraging all staff and children to help in slowing the spread of all germs, including Coronavirus, and protecting themselves by:
- Carrying tissues and using them to catch coughs or sneezes;
- Placing the tissue in the bin;
- To kill the germs, washing their hands with soap and water, or using a sanitiser gel.
- Touched object and surfaces regularly cleaned and disinfected.
We would like to reassure you that as far as we are aware, none of our children have been or recently returned from any ‘High Risk’ countries and currently have no confirmed cases.
Based on current evidence, Coronavirus COVID-19 presents with flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild. Anyone who is concerned about health symptoms is advised to follow the advice about what to do on the NHS, PHE and Government’s website.
Based upon the up to date advice given, the Nursery and Clubs will follow the below procedures:
- Where a child displays a recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or high temperature (above 37.8c) we will call you to arrange collection of your child immediately.
- Your child will be isolated from the other children by at least two metres until a parent/carer arrives. A member of staff will be present with your child.
- Your child will be unable to return to the Nursery or the Club for 10 days and must self-isolate.
- If symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after 10 days, contact the NHS 111 online or call 111. For a medical emergency call 999.
The Nursery or Club will remain open unless or until advised otherwise by the Government or Public Health England. Should there be a high number of staff self-isolating, the ability to open the Nursery or Club for the children will be assessed daily.
Please ensure that the person collecting your child is well and has none of the above symptoms. Please inform us should you make the decision to self-isolate your child or a family member.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide regular updates.
Thank you for your support in protecting the health and wellbeing of all our children.
Kind regards
Radmoor Childcare Management Team